What is Axie Infinity?

2 years ago Written By Admin

What is Axie Infinity!?

Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based game in which players purchase NFTs of cute monsters and then battle them against each other.

Players can earn SLP tokens during gameplay and trade those for money at an exchange. It's fueling a "play-to-earn" movement around the game.

Non-fungible token (NFT) crypto collectibles like artwork and videos exploded in popularity in early 2021, but several blockchain-based video games had already been building in the space before most people took notice.

Axie Infinity is an exciting new take on the classic video game mechanic of collecting and battling with creatures. It's easy enough for newcomers, but veterans will love how deep it gets! Getting started isn't simple or cheap though- you need to invest in Axies (creatures) before playing if you want them later down the road when prices go up from people who are actively using their platform daily. The upside? You can resell any Axies that come your way while also getting crypto tokens as rewards whenever play-to earn model kicks off which means players have ways exchange these FOR MORE MONEY!!


Axie Infinity is a monster-battling game where you pit teams of cute monsters called Axies against each other in battles.

The game runs on the Ethereum blockchain with the help of Ronin, a sidechain that helps minimize fees and transaction delays. It's primarily focused on turn-based battles, either against computer-controlled Axie teams or live opponents over the Internet.

In-game items are represented by NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. These cryptographically unique tokens can be linked with digital content; in Axie Infinity's case, the Axies and land plots that populate the game. Unlike conventional in-game items, the NFT confers ownership on the buyer; you can trade Axies on the game's marketplace for real money.

Breed Axies and you can build potentially more powerful teams that will yield additional NFTs for sale on the marketplace. Some of these rare breeds have been valued at 300 ETH or over $1.2m as I'm writing this!

Axie Infinity is an exciting blockchain-based game that uses cuteness to collect and trade digital assets. In order you can play the Axies have three NFTs (non-fungible tokens) which cost about $150 each on average at time taken - this might be more than what gamers are willing spend but it's also worth mentioning because once your team has grown in size, they'll make more money! One point we think needs clarification though: while these cute creatures do provide rewards through gameplay as well + come with unique abilities like being able fly around levels without getting lost or healing other Axies when they're hurt; there will still need some greenbacks invested initially if players don't want their fund depleted too quickly.

The next horizon for Axie Infinity is gameplay based around its land NFTs, which let players customize the terrain and develop shareable experiences. They are another aspect that will help expand this game beyond simply battling or breeding monsters!

The company has ambitious plans for the future, including rolling out a way of playing without having an immense initial investment.

They plan on giving new users non-transferrable Axies with limited earning potential in order to make it more accessible and fun!