Crypto Unicorns Game: Going to be Bigger than Axie Infinity in 2022?

2 years ago Written By Admin

Crypto Unicorns Game

Crypto Unicorn is a unicorn Multiverse! 


Crypto Unicorns is a new blockchain-based game in which players employ awesomely unique Unicorn NFTs in a fun farming simulation and a variety of exciting fight loops. Land NFTs, which players can purchase and upgrade over time, are important to the farming activity. Unicorns enjoy assisting on the farm, so players may put them to work, raising land productivity and creating materials to upgrade structures. Players can unite individual land into neighborhoods for extremely sociable real-time games. In this way, players may personalize their farm and display it to the rest of the globe!

Crypto unicorns is a farming gameplay followed by Jousting, Racing and Team RPG Battle. 

This game is made by The Laguna Games Team

Milestones Achieved by Crypto Unicorns Team

15th Nov. - Genesis Egg Sale 

 15th Dec.- Phase 1 Land Sale 

 18th Jan.- Phase 2 Land Sale 

28th Jan. - Dark Forest Mini-Game 

2nd  Feb. - Phase 3 Land Sale 

28th Feb - Public Sale 

TBD - Community RBW Airdrop

April 2022 - Game Launch 

So we can expect the release of game soon and that is 11th of April 2022

Initially the focus will be on farming, harvesting, crafting, gathering. Unicorns breeding etc. then in Q2 &Q3 phases jousting and racing will also be introduced in this game.

 Q4 stage is going to be the most exciting of all because in this phase they will introduce steam RPG with p v e and p v p components according to them this will be the start of e-sport aspirations because this game well require the highest learning curve of all the currently announced battle loop kind of games.

Crypto Unicorns Gameplay

Crypto Unicorns is mostly an agricultural simulation game. Land NFTs are purchased by players and can be upgraded over time. Community-owned economy is powered by land, which is where Unicorns will be bred, hatched, and evolved.

Land Gameplay

Within the Unicorn Multiverse, a player's farm is their "home on the range." The Stables, Nursery, Workshop, Gathering Cart, and Farm Plots are among the many productive buildings on this fully configurable plot of land. This is a place where unicorns will be extremely helpful. They will help you around the farm.

Crypto Unicorns:  Key Buildings

Farm slots, Gathering Cart, Workshop, Nursery, Stables

Types of Land:

Common, Rare, Mythic

Farming in Crypto Unicorns

Players begin by populating their land with agriculture plots. They can sow seeds on farm plots and come back later to collect berries. Unicorns adore berries, didn't you know? When sowing seeds to improve berry output, players can assign a Unicorn. Players also have to clean the poop of unicorn but no worries poop won't smell. 

Stables in the Crypto Unicorns

 Unicorns sleep in the stables after a hard day of work on the farm. 

 Crypto Unicorn & Workshops

Players can craft items and building materials in the workshop.  

Gathering Carts

Unicorns will happily go on gathering quests! and it requires a Unicorn with at least one energy. The Unicorn will eventually return with resources, as well as a slight chance of receiving Unicorn Milk and Rainbow Tokens.


All of the magic happens in the crypto unicorns Nursery. Inside the game, players breed Unicorns to create new Unicorn eggs, which can then be hatched into baby Unicorns! Baby Unicorns can also be evolved into adult Unicorns.

Jousting &Crypto Unicorns

These live events, which will begin in 2022, will include up to 32 unicorns participating. Jousting competitions will be thrilling displays of power and speed. The final core jousting numbers are determined by feeding a Unicorn's base stats into an algorithm that generates top speed, acceleration, and endurance values.

Crypto Unicorn:Racing

Unicorn racing, which will debut in 2022, will feature a variety of race tracks, each with its own set of characteristics such as class, distance, weather, and length, all geared to make thrilling events.

Smarter Unicorns can better pace themselves for extended races, stronger Unicorns can out-accelerate their opponents, tougher Unicorns can go longer without becoming tired, and speedy Unicorns are, well, FAST! Players will be ranked according to how well their Unicorns perform. The more Unicorn ranks they have, the better the benefits they'll get.

 Crypto Unicorn Battle Gameplay

In the last phase the most thrilling epic RPG game with both PvE and PvP elements for battle loop is coming. Crypto unicorns will be ready for battles to protect their lands.

Game Assets & Sustainability

Sustainability of any block chain game is crucial. Crypto unicorn’s team has designed this came in a way where players have to buy lands and have to produce resources for unicorns. For this the in-game token rainbow token rbw will be used.

To maintain optimal production efficiency, players' Lands will require a higher number of Unicorns for farming as they progress. When you combine this with the fight loops' then more and more high stat unicorns will be needed. 

This will result  a long-term sustainable economy in which players are compelled to specialize in the systems and gameplay loops they care about the most. This is comparable to how the economy operates in real life. So you can say that there is plenty of extensible depth in their system.

Breeding crypto unicorns

This game also have breeding system like all the other popular NFT games out there but the breeding system of crypto unicorns is so interesting and exciting. For instance if you want crystal class for your Unicorn you will have to add Crystal berries for that.


It takes about 24 hours to develop a fresh Unicorn Egg once breeding begins. Players can choose to hatch the egg at any time after it is ready. Players can add a booster to the egg before it hatches, which they can make with Materials and Class Berries.

Land  Nfts

You can buy and sell land NFTs and total land NFT supply is limited.

NFT Delegation

With Crypto Unicorns, the company plans to use a staking or delegate mechanism that allows for both asset lending and trustless revenue sharing (ie. automated payment flows).

Rainbow Token - $RBW

Rainbow Token (RBW) is the basic value token for the Unicorn multiverse. You will be able to utilize RBW Tokens in a variety of ways.  

Crypto Unicorns Earning Potential

Players will be able to play and earn in Crypto Unicorns in a variety of ways, including:

  • Class Berries are harvested and sold on the market.
  • Gathering on the Grounds Breeding, Evolution, and Building Materials are created and sold on the market.
  • Upgrading materials through harvesting and making
  • Taking part in races and tournaments involving jousting
  • Battles in both PvE and PvP
  • Rbw Tokens staking


In Q3 2021, Laguna Games raised $5 million through a private sale to strategic investors. These investors exchanged fiat for RBW at a de minimis price to fund the growth of Crypto Unicorns as well as basic running expenditures.


After going through all the details of this Crypto unicorns game it is pretty obvious that this game has strong potential. Not only the gameplay is is interesting but also credible team with established backgrounds.  Moreover they have attracted many big investors and lots of funding in a short period of time. This simple farming game  which is currently pc based and can be played even without investing money should be on your radar.





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