About Lost Relics

2 years ago Written By Admin

Introduction to  Lost Relics!

During the era when great beasts roamed across land, people from various clans grew vast in number and spread out to form their own domains. They learned about every aspect of nature - including magical energies that would be used for good or ill depending on who harnessed them at what time- with guidance coming not just from generations before but also through enlightenment gained as a result of trial by fire during this first age where records could actually safely survive into later eras without being lost forever like everything else had been up until then!


How to start ?

When starting a new game, the first thing you should do is go through tutorial quests and reach Level 5. This will unlock all of Talmuth's features for your character! The quests are designed to familiarise yourself with town layout as well provide some basic understanding about gameplay mechanics so that it won't be too hard when things get complicated later on down the road.



Your stash is on the second floor of the Tavern . It's the only place to store your loot safely (having it in your inventory is risky, in case you die all your virtual items from inventory will be forever gone), it has unlimited space and if you buy something at Royal Emporium - everything will be deposited right into this Chest! Please be aware in order to sell loot at the market the loot has to be also placed in your stash.


Now you're ready to start your first adventure, press 'Tab' or M to open the map and move the character near a Sword icon on the map. Once there, select the first  cave from the list! It is important that in order not only survive but also win these fights without getting killed before mastering game mechanics so use common sword for starters, to avoid disappointing when getting killed!!

Hint: If you entered the wrong adventure press ESC and select abandon, this can be only done  if you didn`t crossed the marked circle... You wont loose any items in that case


Once you have mastered the basics of combat and wish to move on, I would recommend trying out Arcane Pits or Ash Woods. These dungeons can be easier sometimes, but also harder other times, because they are randomly generated with different monster populations in each room- but this also means that there is always some risk for an ambush!


All adventures will have you harvesting resources. You need to ensure that your inventory has the necessary required tools before starting the adventure, and each one will show what resources are available for mining, fishing, logging or just collecting ingredients from bushes .It is highly recommended to start levelling those skills as early as possible in order to cook food to get consumables such as fish which is used for healing. So make sure you buy the common rod, axe, gloves and pick as early as possible. You can also sell the not needed items at the store in Talmuth to gain additional Gold.


Screen rotation is the key to staying alive in Lost Relics. Rotating your screen can help you see farther down a path or into an area, which gives monsters less time before they notice you - especially if there are creatures on either side of them! It's also useful for knowing how dangerous certain rooms may be without running too far ahead when fighting multiple opponents; some foes should definitely get killed first so that way you know what type (or types)of enemy it will be easier during combat later down the line. You can set the screen rotation in your control settings.

It's a great strategy to use Shift in order make your attacks more powerful and ensure that you don't miss. You can also keep yourself rooted by standing still, which will prevent any movement from happening around the time of impact.

Just be careful when initiating an attack; if there is motion on both sides or they decide at random where they want go next then it might not work out well!


Now lets get down to the loot! There is 2 different types of it....

Virtual items - can be traded for in-game gold on the Royal Emporium. The supply of these tradeable goods is limited or unlimited, depending on what type it may be, be aware that all virtual weapon ill break after time and will need to be replaced unless the ones from the blockchain; most resources collected through gathering skills happen to also fall into this category as well but there's no guarantee that every single one will give you something like this, there is also a chance to collect blockchain items!!!

Blockchain items - are the hottest and most sought after type of Items in Lost Relics. These BC collectibles can be found from enemies, chests or awarded by other means such as high level harvesting; they come with different rarities like weapons that have higher power than others and offer special benefits when equipped (for example: increased damage). All these blockchain treasures also carry over between adventures so you're sure not losing anything if death strikes while exploring!

You can also trade those items on open market places such as opensea, ...

There is also a high demand for them cause they are very limited , some are even offered up to 175k usd on the open markets....